if you don't know the story of how we came to be, then i'll tell you now.
it all started on this day.
one year ago today, i was with my ex boyfriend and it was his birthday. he had his friend call up someone to come skate with them at Jane Hoop, an elementary school in Mout Healthy.
two cars pulled up, one was blue and i dont remember the other color.
i was sitting on the back of my ex's truck (back when we were together) and the guys had just gotten out of the car
i looked up, and i saw Nicko looking straight at me
for some reason he just really caught my eye,
he looked extremely familiar but i had never seen him before
and i had never seen anyone who looked like him before
a little later when everyone was skating
i recall the first thing i said to him was that he had hairy nipples...
a w k w a r d
haha but thats what i said
then, a while later, he asked my boyfriend at the time if he could ollie off the back of his truck
so i did figure that he was kinda trying to get my attention lol
[jump foreward to june]
on the last day of school i get a message on myspace,
it was from Nicko, asking if i remembered him
i couldnt reply unless i added him so i did
so he was like "so i guess you remember me" haha
we exchanged phone#'s and what not
the next day...
i get dumped.
nick said he wanted to make me feel better and asked me to hang out on that monday
so we did, and it was amazing.
we met in Journey's, he kept trying to buy me things but i didnt want him to...
eventually i settled for a frozen coffee lol
we talked about everything and i was completely comfortable with him
first time i looked in his eyes i just knew
not even kidding, i knew i loved him that day.
he even walked me home,
2 weeks later i finally told him.
and through those 2 weeks, he asked me out over and over and i kept saying no
but he kept on trying, and doing the sweetest things
one time he came to my house on a saturday morning just to give me m&m and rootbeer,
cuz they were my favorites
things like that, and it just made me love him more
after those 2 weeks, he asked me out over text
i finally said i would say yes but only if he asked me in person
so he came over and asked me :)
together ever since.
and i keep loving him more everyday
i love you baby <3