omg @_@ i was so freaking out this morning when i heard that the creator of pokemon died in the earthquake
....thank God it was a rumor (nintendo confirmed)
i almost cried D: i was so shocked! people shouldnt play like that!!!
he has made so many people's childhoods fun and interesting
Pokemon is one of my favorite memories of my childhood
when i didn't have friends, my pokemon were my friends it wierd that playing interactive / roleplaying video games
make me feel less lonely?
like talking to people and battling in pokemon
gives me the feeling of playing with actual people..
and when i play sims its like having interactions with people...(literally making my own friends xD)
its kind of sad that i am really that lonely of a person :/ ehh..
randomly decided to make a selfy ^ _ ^
saw it on Wynter's blog :)
i was curious xD
isnt it cute? lol its a little aeri ^_^
its like a mix of kid me and me now
sorry no pics in this post D:
i got caught up in a convo with my friend JoJo this morning
so i didnt get to buy any breakfast or take a picture
which is sad bcoz i look cute today > _ <
but i will post some later :) i took some before i left on my camera
i figured out how to make flash on my camera look good
i found a setting that turns down the brightness =) heeeeeee
maybe will blog later if i dont leave school...
i'm thinking about just leaving after 4th bell because not doing much the rest of the day...
i dont wanna miss government though >_>
i like that class xD
also, i have alot more money now ;D
i'm cashing my check tomaro, then i will have 150$
and nick is giving me 50$ for a dare i did...
XDDD but anyway, so 200$ :P
heeheehee i just might get that parkway drive stuff after all xD
but regardless, i still need a job
so i'm still waiting to go to Northgate to apply for jobs, and going to apply at the gas station
and i feel funny that i actually considered applying at Victoria Secret >_<
no no no no >_< nevahhh
and i had another bad dream :( 2 of them
that song that i have loved the past few days
has now been ruined 33< font="">
and that dream was a heartbreaker
and you-know-who wasn't in it, but it actually hurt more
all of the words were like the opposite
then the next dream after i went back to sleep
idk if you guys have these, but its like a music video
the dream was set to the sirens song by parkway drive
and it was basically me meeting my demise
i woke up really devastated and kinda scared
dont think it will happen but still a scary dream...
trying not to et it affect me though
the devils not ruining my favorite song!
fuck you stupid demon, this is my music!