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Monday, February 28

F M L ~ !!!!!! UGH!!!

yeah, basically. ^. . .

last night, i was so happy finally, after a horrible weekend that i hated  i was talking to him and we were gonna hang out today, so i was so very excited  ~ ! you know how i get 
i was going to go to his house after school and bring my homework and dance clothes to change and then have my mom get me for dance....i also wanted to show him some of the dances xD
and then...what do you know
well it started with a thunderstorm. i'm scared of them for one, like extremely scared. and i was up most of the night, but when i fell asleep i was woken up by tornado sirens D: even scarier!!!
so i went and woke up my mom and sister and and me and tehya went to the basement around 5 am and my mom turned on the tv to see what was going on. i fell asleep in the basement so i didnt know what she said but when i woke up my sister was already on the bus which means i missed mine...i dont know why my mom let me sleep when she knows i hate to be late. so i asked her to take me to school
lately i've been bloated and had really bad gas and i knew i still did so i thought i would fart and get it over with but i hadnt tried yet. i felt really nauseous coming back up the stairs and as soon as i got up i thought i was going to burp but instead it was this nasty wet burp that turned into a huge throw up -__- it was disgusting... i put carpet foam on it so it should be clean soon...says to leave it on for an hour and i just scrubbed it out.
my mom told me i wasnt going to school :| which usually is the opposite...but then she gave me a list of chores, 1 including emptying the water bucket outside every hour to keep our basement from flooding -_- and i have to do dishes and clean the bathroom...plus i have to copy notes off of my teacher's blog for the check-in tomaro and have like 2 paragraphs to write  
i want to just go to school...i asked my grandma to take me but she wont drive in the rain :\

and nick said i cant come over now :(
i said "i know i'm sick and its raining"
but i really don't know the reason he said no
i think he's mad at me...
i was really hoping that after a few hours i would feel better and still be able to go over
cause i still miss him like crazy and still have lots of homework and still have dance class :\

hopefully he gets on today and tells me or it will bother me all day >_<


last night we decided to find something fun to do
it was nicks idea :) i love when he does things like this.
so we can do things together even though we dont see eachother alot, i think it's really sweet ♥
so we downloaded a GBA emulator so we could play gameboy advance games ^_^
it's so fun :D we're playing Pokemon Emerald right now
i'm tempted to play it now but i really need to do my work.
i wanna get 3 quizzes done today +all my notes
i'm aiming for a 50/50 on my notebook this time, last time i got 44/50 on check-in
so wish me luck :)

and nicko, i'm sorry i'm so scared of storms :(
and please tell me what your reason is i cant come over? it's bothering me >_<

 x o , a e r i b a b

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