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Thursday, March 17

Poem - Although, You're Only a Dog

friend or foe?
i ask myself
as you bark at me when i come home
from over in the neighbors yard
perching behind the gate
with your bum in the air
staring at me

friend or foe?
i ask myself
as you sit in silence in the middle of the night
when i come outside to be alone
sitting behind the gate
with your bum in the air
staring at me

you seem angry, behind that gate
like you want to get out
although you're a dog, just like everyone else
i know you have something to say

you seem so sweet, behind that gate
like you want me to get you out
although you're a dog, unlike everyone else
we have always something to talk about

i wish you could be free, and you know i do
but you know i cant let you out
and you're so wound up, i dont know if i could ever pet you
but when i see you in the front yard, playing with the baby
i can tell you're not a bad dog
like you want something to take care of
like a pet having a pet of its own

but when you're in the front yard, playing with the baby
you always stop and look at me, when i come home
to walk into my house, you always look my way
sometimes you whine, or bark
and you usually bark alot, sometimes i get angry at you
because you bark in the middle of the night and keep me up
but maybe, you just want me to come outside
to talk to you again,
but please remember that when it's 4 am,
not to whine at me when i go inside
and okay, i'll say please
and you sleep too, we need our beauty rest
and when you wake up, i'll talk to you again*

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